Finding joy when things are tough

Finding joy when things are touch

by Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie

copyright 2025

Joy. What exactly is it?

As a noun, joy is a feeling of great happiness or pleasure. As a verb, it means to rejoice. It is an emotion that I feel God wants his children to have every day.

Some days are simply more challenging than others, but I am discovering there is grace to access joy, when I choose to. This means that I am responsible for finding my joy if it is lost or appears to be hiding behind difficult circumstances.

So, how do we find joy when life throws us a big curve ball and when we are enduring situations that continue to hurt or linger? I believe finding joy is dependent on our focus and taking our responsibility.

James 1:2-5 reads, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

It is easy to be joyful when life is going like you like it, but most of us would agree that life doesn't always go like we plan.

Not long ago, I was suddenly put in a situation that could have been a hornet’s nest if not handled delicately, and I could have been the one who was stung. It was a good thing I was studying the scripture in James about finding pure joy in trials.

I quickly called a friend to pray and started the conversation laughing and with the words, “Oh my word, how could I be my life and how could I be in this situation?”

I was laughing to keep from crying and was trying to find my joy, so I could handle the situation and come out a winner. Laughter is good medicine, and I knew my friend would understand. She did and laughed with me and prayed. Looking at how I could joyfully win in the situation instead of being overwhelmed helped me pass the test. Finding humor in tough things is helpful in finding our joy.

Where we focus is vital in trials.

Psalms 16:8-11 reads, "I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my inner man rejoices and my body will rest secure. You have made known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence with pleasures at your right hand."

This scripture tells us where to focus, setting the bigness of God and his ability before us. When we do this, it allows our heart to calm down. We rest, in that God is with us and will direct our path. And when we spend time with him, we find our joy.

Joy is evidence of walking with God, because it is part of his character. Galatians 5 tells us that joy is one of the fruits of the spirit, which is part of who he is. He is always joyful, and he wants us as his kids to reflect his joy and be joyful.

As a former gymnast and coach, I know how important focus is to maintain your balance when you are on a balance beam. The right focus is the difference in staying on and falling off.

The same is true in life. If my focus is negative, fearful, my outlook and attitude will be, too.

This scripture also says I am not alone. He is holding me by the right hand. When I picture myself holding his hand, I am much more confident and secure.

I love the determination of the psalmist in Psalms 16 when he says, "I WILL not be shaken."

Our will is a powerful thing that we can use in a positive or negative way. There have been many days I have had to live out of my will to do what is pleasing to God instead of what I feel like.

Joy follows when our focus is right, when we hold his hand and when we set our will in a positive manner. When we turn our hearts to him, look at God with childlike wonder in how he is going to work it out, we find joy.

I encourage you to take responsibility and find your joy.

Kathleen Maxwell is a native of the Hill Country, a writer and speaker. She is

passionate about helping others discover the joy of walking with God. You can

contact her at [email protected]. For more information, articles, her

podcast or to purchase her book, “Thriving Through Seasons of Grief,” visit her

website at www.kathleenmaxwellrambie